MetroFlow Cytometry Vendor Day at Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
in Tarrytown, NY April 4th, 2024
Morning Session
08:00AM-08:50AM Registration & Breakfast Provided with Advanced Registration
08:50AM-09:00AM Welcome & Announcements
09:00AM-09:30AM BD Biosciences - John Quinn Director, Science and Product Development
"50-color Spectral Panels are Here"
09:30AM-10:00AM BioLegend - Diana Vesely, Ph.D., Scientific Applications Manager
"Cell Analysis Through Flow Cytometry"
10:00AM-10:30AM Bio-Rad Laboratories - Jarrett Venezia, Ph.D.
Cell Biology Account Executive
"Build Bigger, Better Panels with Bio-Rad StarBright™ Dyes"
10:30AM-11:00AM Coffee Break with Corporate Members
11:00AM-11:30AM ThinkCyte Inc. - Paul Fallon, Field Application Scientist
"VisionSort: A New Dimension in Cell Analysis & Sorting"
11:30AM-12:00PM NanoCellect Biomedical, Inc. - Rea Dabelic, PhD. , Head of Applications Development
"VERLO™ — to see it, so you can sort it. An introduction to NanoCellect’s new image-guided cell sorter."
12:00PM-12:30PM Revvity - Andrea Love, PhD; Cell Analysis Technologies Manager
"Worry-Free Cytometry: High Throughput Cell Counting, Viability, and Multi-Color Assays in One"
12:30PM-1:30PM Lunch Provided with Advanced Registration
Afternoon Session
1:30PM-2:00PM KCAS-Bio - Heather Evans, PhD Clinical Document Management Specialist
"Development and Validation of RO Assays – Challenges and Approaches"
2:00PM-2:30PM Cytek Biosciences - Maria C. Jaimes, MD, VP Scientific Commercialization
"Streamlining Assay Transferability from Analyzer to Sorter using Cytek’s Full Spectrum Profiling™ Technology"
2:30PM-3:00PM Dotmatics - Katherine Rittenbach, SCYM (ASCP)CM Technical Applications Specialist
"FCS Express and OMIQ: Advancing cytometry analysis at any stage, from academic to validated environments."
3:00PM-3:30PM Coffee Break with Corporate Members
3:30PM-4:00PM Thermo Fisher Scientific - Luise Sternberg, R&D Staff Scientist
"Employing panel design and control optimization best practices to analyze and sort elusive cells from high parameter panels"
4:00PM-4:30PM Sony Biotechnology - Deena Soni Ph.D., Associate Director Global Marketing
"Sony Spectral Systems – Reliable Solutions for High-Parameter Flow Cytometry"
4:30PM-5:00PM Proteintech Group, Inc. (PTG Lab) - Iván Godinez, Ph.D. Director, Product Management
"Highly Multiplexed Proteomic Assays for Single Cell Studies"